full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jamil Zaki: How to escape the cynicism trap

Unscramble the Blue Letters

One of my favorite setuids of all time occurred in southeastern brizal. Two fishing villages there are separated by just 30 mlies. One sits by the ocean, where fishing requires large boats and havey epqunemit. To make a living there, fmieehrsn must work together. The other sits by a lake, where fishermen strike out alone on small boats and compete with one another. Years ago, researchers tested how people in each of these villages responded to a set of social enetmexpris. Ocean fishermen trusted strangers and coteeparod with their neighbors. Lake fishermen competed and mistrusted instead. But here's the crazy part. These folks didn't start out any different from each other, but the longer fishermen worked on the lake, the more they coeemtpd. The longer they worked on the ocean, the less they did.

Open Cloze

One of my favorite _______ of all time occurred in southeastern ______. Two fishing villages there are separated by just 30 _____. One sits by the ocean, where fishing requires large boats and _____ _________. To make a living there, _________ must work together. The other sits by a lake, where fishermen strike out alone on small boats and compete with one another. Years ago, researchers tested how people in each of these villages responded to a set of social ___________. Ocean fishermen trusted strangers and __________ with their neighbors. Lake fishermen competed and mistrusted instead. But here's the crazy part. These folks didn't start out any different from each other, but the longer fishermen worked on the lake, the more they ________. The longer they worked on the ocean, the less they did.


  1. miles
  2. brazil
  3. cooperated
  4. studies
  5. fishermen
  6. experiments
  7. competed
  8. heavy
  9. equipment

Original Text

One of my favorite studies of all time occurred in southeastern Brazil. Two fishing villages there are separated by just 30 miles. One sits by the ocean, where fishing requires large boats and heavy equipment. To make a living there, fishermen must work together. The other sits by a lake, where fishermen strike out alone on small boats and compete with one another. Years ago, researchers tested how people in each of these villages responded to a set of social experiments. Ocean fishermen trusted strangers and cooperated with their neighbors. Lake fishermen competed and mistrusted instead. But here's the crazy part. These folks didn't start out any different from each other, but the longer fishermen worked on the lake, the more they competed. The longer they worked on the ocean, the less they did.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
ocean villages 2
gun laws 2

Important Words

  1. boats
  2. brazil
  3. compete
  4. competed
  5. cooperated
  6. crazy
  7. equipment
  8. experiments
  9. favorite
  10. fishermen
  11. fishing
  12. folks
  13. heavy
  14. lake
  15. large
  16. living
  17. longer
  18. miles
  19. mistrusted
  20. neighbors
  21. occurred
  22. ocean
  23. part
  24. people
  25. requires
  26. researchers
  27. responded
  28. separated
  29. set
  30. sits
  31. small
  32. social
  33. southeastern
  34. start
  35. strangers
  36. strike
  37. studies
  38. tested
  39. time
  40. trusted
  41. villages
  42. work
  43. worked
  44. years